How To Earn Money From A Blog

Want to know how to earn money from a blog? While blogging for profit can take some time, it’s definitely achievable. There’s over 600 million blogs on the internet though, so standing out is the biggest challenge for bloggers.

If you choose a popular topic, or niche, it can take much longer to make money from it. With a less competitive niche you have fewer other bloggers to compete with for attention. Most bloggers will write about something they have an interest in or passion for.

It can take a long time before you are profitable with a blog so it’s worth choosing a topic you have some love for. Otherwise it can be a very long journey! Many blogs aren’t for profit and their owners simply write for a hobby. But if you want to make money from a blog, you’ll need to monetise it somehow. 

niche blogging for profit

This can be done with advertising or with affiliate products. Google Adsense offers a simple to use advertising program which lets bloggers place ads on their site. When people click on the adverts, the blogger receives a cut of the advertising fee.

Each click is only worth a tiny amount though, so you need a huge volume of traffic to make this profitable. That’s why many bloggers use affiliate marketing to monetise their blogging. With affiliate marketing you can choose a product to sell on your site, join an affiliate program and get paid for sales you generate.

How To Earn Money From A Blog – Content

Without content though you won’t attract an audience to your blog and you definitely won’t make any money without any visitors. So, content is king. Start by writing about a topic you love. That way, you can continue writing about it for several months or years. With a topic unfamiliar to you, it will likely take longer to research each blog post and it’s less sustainable over the longer term.

I write about affiliate marketing, blogging, and other related things since that’s what floats my boat! So the best advice I can give you is to choose a topic you’re interested in. However, you also want to know how you’re going to monetise your topic. Some topics are more difficult to monetise than others. So you need to find a balance between a topic you love and one which will be profitable.

To help you write SEO friendly content, use a plugin. I use one called Yoast SEO which is a free WordPress plugin. There’s other free plugins which can help you too. See best free blop plugins for WordPress. They will help you with things such as SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) and sharing your content etc.

How To Earn Money From A Blog – Email Marketing

Email marketing goes hand in hand with earning from a blog. Most bloggers will offer something on their blog to their visitors when they sign up to an email newsletter. This can be a free ebook, a free course of some kind and so on. This allows bloggers to capture their visitor’s email address and follow up with email messages.

It’s from these email messages that they can offer value and build a relationship with their visitors. When they do this well, they can get their subscribers to know, like and trust them. This means they are more likely to make a purchase from an email list when the blogger sends out one of their affiliate links, recommending a product to purchase.

how to earn money from a blog

Email marketing works wonders because it allows bloggers to build a long term relationship with their visitors. On a blog, visitors will only stick around for a few minutes. But once on your email list, you can send them messages (and products) over a much longer timeframe. I’ve had email subscribers buy affiliate products even years after subscribing to my email list.

Targeting Keywords With Blog Posts

So that’s how to earn money from a blog! Many bloggers will start blogging in a competitive niche and many niches are already well over subscribed! To stand out among the noise you need to promote and share your content as much as possible, and build backlinks so your posts will rank on the SERPS – search engine results pages.

To give yourself more chance of this happening, you can target long tail keywords with low SEO difficulty. These are the keywords which have fewer search results when you look on Google.  To find them you can use Google’s keyword planner tool which is a free tool. Type your main keywords into the planner and you’ll get a heap of other keywords which are being searched for already. Scroll through to the ones which get fewer searches and you’ll find that they are longer tail keyword chains (three or more words long).

how to earn money from a blog

These are good for bloggers because if you write some quality content for them, you’ll have more chance of getting your post listed on the first page of Google. It’s not guaranteed of course, but there’s typically less competition for these longer tail keywords. So you have a better chance than with shorter tail phrases which have more competition.

As you continue to write more and more content from a blog, some of your posts will start to appear on Google. Particularly if you use this strategy. This can take weeks, or months depending on how competitive your topic is. See also free traffic for a blogger.


Earning from blogging can take some time. Especially if you choose a competitive niche to blog in. But blogging can be a fun way to build an income online, too. If you choose high ticket and subscription affiliate products to monetise your blog, it can be more lucrative when you do start to make money from it.

But don’t expect too much from blogging unless you spend a lot of time building it. Expect to work hard for several weeks or even months/years depending on your topic. The good news is that you can ultimately earn a passive income from blogging when you start making sales on complete autopilot. How long this takes will depend on how hard you work at it and the actions you take.


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