Why A Landing Page Is Important

There’s a number of reasons why a landing page is important. A landing page is a page specifically designed to capture the email address of your visitor. On a website, this is much more difficult. A website usually gives a number of options to a visitor.

You can browse through pages and posts on a website. There’s many options and this means most website visitors won’t sign up to your email list.  When you’re paying for website traffic, this can get pretty costly and most visitors don’t buy from a website either. They need several “touch points” before they making a buying decision.

why a landing page is important

On a website, most of your visitors are gone in a few minutes. But once you can capture their email address, you can follow up with more information on a regular basis. You can build a relationship. This means you can create multiple touch points with a potential customer once you get them to join your email list.

On a website, you only get one chance to turn a visitor into a customer. But on an email list, you have many chances. You can follow up with email messages and communicate with your subscribers over days, weeks, months and even years.

Why A Landing Page Is Important: Cost

So a landing page is pretty important because it helps you lower your costs. Paid marketing is expensive and if you only have one opportunity to make the sale (from a website), much of your ad budget will go to waste.

However if you send the same paid traffic to a landing page, and capture the email of your visitor, you can continue to send them useful information and keep them engaged. That means your advertising budget can go much further and email subscribers have many chances to make a purchase.

Research shows that most website visitors need between 6 and 8 interactions (touch points) with a product or website before they make a buying decision. This just doesn’t happen on a website because most visitors only stick around for a couple of minutes and then they are gone forever. That’s only one touchpoint. 

Why A Landing Page Is Important: Testing

Testing is another crucial part of building a successful sales funnel to promote and sell products. It’s very difficult to test different formats of a website to see how well it performs. There’s too many elements to play around with on a website. A landing page is pretty simple. There’s only two options for your visitors. They can sign up to your email list, or leave the page. That’s it! When there’s only two options, many more people will be compelled to sign up, especially if you have a compelling offer.

why a landing page is important

A landing page can also be easily split tested, against a similar looking page. This is done to find the optimum design which gives you the best cost per subscriber and/or return on investment. Headings, images, colours, benefits and so on can be tested against each other to see which performs the best.

Convertri.com offers a software where you can easily create sales funnels, landing pages and split test them against each other.

why a landing page is important

Scaling up

It’s easy to forget as an affiliate that you can reach a global audience with your products and services. So when you find a profitable campaign, you can scale up simply by increasing your marketing budget (if you’re using paid advertising). Having a paid campaign and sending traffic to a landing page allows you to do the “groundwork” so that this becomes possible much more quickly.

The point of a marketing campaign is to get to the point where you spend $1 and make $2 or above. When you find this relationship between your marketing budget and your sales revenue, spending more on advertising is the key to more profit. But to get to this point, it’s necessary to run several advertising campaigns and test different landing pages so that you have a high opt in rate. Ideally, 40% or more of the traffic you send to a landing page will convert into email subscribers.

A number of subscribers should convert into customers, depending on your targeting and customer avatar. With a high ticket sales funnel and using the most profitable digital products within your product range will give you a much better chance of this happening.

See also scaling up affiliate marketing.


A landing page is definitely an important piece of kit which as an affiliate marketer you should definitely use if you can. Get Convertri here. It allows you to collect email subscribers and build an email list much more efficiently than through a normal website.

On a website there’s a tonne of options to distract your visitors, so it’s much harder to get them to sign up to your email list. But a landing page gives only two options and this means there’s a higher conversion rate from visitor to subscriber.

Landing page software allows you to cross test different landing pages to find the best performing one. This means you can ultimately collect more subscribers for less cost, once you determine the best performing page through testing.

Scaling a digital business is much easier when you use landing pages to collect emails. You simply turn up your marketing budget when you have a profitable campaign. Finding the most profitable campaign is easier with landing pages. Using organic methods (e.g. blogging) can take much longer to generate the necessary traffic to build and scale a digital business.


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